Healthy, Authentic Relationships

by Caitlin Hunt Healthy Relationship Ideals I have always loved watching fun, entertaining movies and TV shows.  As a little girl, I loved watching fairy tales where the dashing prince saved the princess. As a teenager, I was one of hundreds of giddy girls packing movie theaters to watch the latest teen romance. These movies

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Body Literacy & The Value of Self

Societal Value of the Body Society simultaneously over-values and under-values human bodies. The media conditions us to be hyper aware of how we present our bodies – that we must obsess over making every part perfect, even providing blueprints for ideal body types.  Sure, more diverse body types are being accepted, but there is still

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When I was a child, I used to spend most summers with my aunt. We used to go to amusement parks, have movie marathons and work outside in the garden. My favorite memories are the hours we spent together baking. She taught me how to sift flour, level off measuring cups, and stir each mixture

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