If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are worried about the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade affecting options for you in the state of Ohio, this article is for you.

Keep reading to understand the significance of this ruling, and how it impacts abortion access in our state. 

What Does it Mean that Roe v. Wade was Overturned?

Because of the recent Supreme Court ruling, abortion is no longer a federally-protected right and will now be regulated by each individual state. Some states have already declared it to be illegal, and some have abortion codified in their state constitutions so it remains legal.

What Does This Mean for Abortion Access in Ohio?

Ohio is one of the states that has restricted abortion access to only allow abortions up to 6 weeks, which is typically when the fetus begins to develop a heartbeat. The only exceptions to this ban are if the mother’s life or physical health are endangered by the pregnancy. 

What Happens Now?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, we want you to know that our center is here to support you and help inform and empower you with our no-cost, confidential services such as pregnancy confirmation and a limited ultrasound

It’s important to take time–even just an hour–to first confirm your pregnancy and then get the information you need to make your best choice. We provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to process your pregnancy options and next steps. You will also have the option of getting an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are a crucial step to determine if the pregnancy is still developing, to ensure that it is not an ectopic pregnancy, and to determine its age (which affects abortion eligibility in other states). We are here for you and can help you find local resources to support you in this pregnancy process. 

Contact us today and schedule your appointment!